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PAL’s Promise

Posted by Darle Booher on March 3, 2014
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One of my favorite local charities is Family Promise. They provide temporary housing for families in need by working with a number of churches. The families move from church to church each week while they learn skills necessary to help them regain their independence and until permanent housing can be obtained. There are some amazing stories of success from those who have received assistance under the program.

In the past, if a family had a pet, they could not participate in the program. PAL, Palmetto Animal League is committed to providing shelter and finding good homes for pets throughout the Lowcountry. Was there a solution to helping people with pets?

The director of Family Promise, Elliott Brown, and the league president of PAL, Amy Campanini, got together and found a resolution to the problem. The solution was Pal’s Promise, combining the two charities to keep families and their pets together.

PAL provides foster care for the pet until the family moves into their own home so the families and pets can be reunited. Families can visit their pets to stay close to them. PAL is committed to providing supportive care to the family after they are on their own for up to 18 months.

There are many ways to volunteer or contribute to these important charities. For details, go to or

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